
Stealth attraction techniques
Stealth attraction techniques

stealth attraction techniques

I am a very curious person, so most strategies I read about I definitely want to give a try and see how it feels for me. In the past days I have read a lot about S&A and I have heard many success stories. I was indeed talking about Shock and Awe.

stealth attraction techniques

I'd be interested to hear from someone who has used both as to what situations it would be better to use S&A in. S&A is cool though and if only for the fact that it demonstrates a lot of confidence, it'll hit a certain % of the time. I don't like direct compliment approaches (I used them for a while), I also don't like approaches which can lose you social value if they go wrong or can't be done in certain situations etc. Goldenwolf, glad you like the vid! what is S&A, Shock and Awe? If so, yeah, Stealth is totally different. The misunderstanding thing is just another way to playfully escalate. So the stuff I teach on Stealth is the stuff that has stuck around because it works. When you do natural game, you find that you start to repeat certain things a certain amount of the time, just because they work, you are still using a structure and method but it is unconscious. And that's pretty much what all of it is.

stealth attraction techniques

The misunderstanding thing was something that I repeated over and over because it worked. So me and some friends talked and came up with the whole model of what I was doing. Thanks for the feedback! All of the concepts and techniques I teach in Stealth are backwards engineering things I do in a club.

Stealth attraction techniques