
Shrink school rpg game
Shrink school rpg game

shrink school rpg game

This slips after she is defeated in battle for the first time, but reasserts itself after her second defeat. She treats Chijinda with a great deal of respect, and appears to sincerely regret that so many people have to be sacrificed for her success.

  • The Director herself is generally a rather friendly person when you talk to her, and she just wants to take over the world.
  • Erika is a completely amoral idiot, and she's cheerful and friendly even when she's eating you alive.
  • Same goes for the girls' academy on Hanpane Island in the sequel.

    shrink school rpg game

    Society's shenanigans there's a fair bit of paranormal activity going on that has nothing to do with them. Academy of Adventure: Yabaize High School and the surrounding area.dll file into the game's folder to make it work correctly. NOTE: that file requires that you install RPG Maker VX runtime package separately (it comes pre-packaged with VX Ace RTP, which is incompatible) and paste this. The only currently available download of the English version is here.

    shrink school rpg game shrink school rpg game

    This game was until recently Japan Only, but a fan translation was created with added content. And most of the 90% will either mistake you for an insect, or be a part of the secret society that's behind it all, and will do anything to ensure you don't meddle in their plans anymore. Suddenly, 90% of the cast is bigger than you. Needless to say, the focus of the game takes a sudden turn. Then you find out just why it's called Shrink 'High. You'll find yourself running into characters from Japanese anime left and right. The game plays itself out like a straight JRPG, where you explore for clues and items and engage in various battles for the first part of the game. The plot revolves around the detective, Chijinda You, investigating the mysterious events and disappearances at Yabaize High School.

    Shrink school rpg game